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I was born very stupid and will die very smart

If this isn’t the slogan for your life, it should be.
You were born extremely dumb. There is no question about it. So the first side of the equation is set; it’s the second you have to worry about. Will you die very smart?
Smart is relative. Yes, humans read more than they ever have. They have more schooling than ever. Yet most of it leads to nowhere. If this is all you do, you will not die very smart.

Let’s make a giant list.

Let’s try and figure out how to die smart, right here and right now. Not a little smart– how to die being the smartest person you know. I’ll start, and you can add to it by leaving a comment below.
Start by reading a book every week. Most people read a book a year. If you do this, you get more in a year than most will read in their lifetime.
Next, travel as often and as cheaply as possible.
Consider avoiding school entirely– you’re looking to learn at your pace, not be slowed down by others or be sucked dry by fees.
Meet smart people constantly. You end up learning a lot from conversations if you’re good at listening. Set up meetings with them to learn what they know.
Don’t be afraid of failure. Remember the process of learning to ride a bike. You can’t pick it up from a book. You have to try and fail. It’s integral to the process.
Test perceived boundaries. Make sure there are no assumptions in terms of what is important and what is not, or what is dangerous or safe.
Now you. Show me what to do.

Fonte: Julien Smith - @julien

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